
Audio Technica rebrand 2030

audio technica is struggling to define their brand. they have a solid brand presence with quality products, but are struggling to define an aesthetic.

this new brand direction defines their aesthetic as well as their future product line and innovation. this is the new audio technica.

(spring 2020, 14 weeks, branding strategy and product design)

*this project is in no way affiliated with the brand


the future of in-home audio is modularity.

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Problem Statement:

Audio Technica is not going to survive the digital age of music due to their lack of innovation within their audio products.


user thats on the move.

this generation of user is going to be traveling and connecting via the digital and physical world. How might AT help them do that through music & in-home audio?


main audio products

I choose to research and focus on these three products for Audio Technica’s new line of products. I choose these because they are all key components of a system, yet lack and design innovation in this market.

New brand direction

The Opportunity:

Combine the analog quality that keeps Audio Technica rooted in music culture, with the innovation of music on-the-go.


analog futurism

creative direction

digital intuitiveness paired with tactile trust. creating technology that isn’t cold and basic, but inviting and human.

artwork by hyungkoo lee


industrial modern

design direction

contrasting form that provides a professional industrial aesthetic while keeping a low profile.


translucent acoustics

CMF direction

using the beauty of the industrial qualities to contrast the modern simplicity. Color is also used to announce different key features of the system.

Design choices

The Solution:

Create a system of modular in-home audio equipment that allows the user to create their own audio system.

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CAD modeling prototypes

create a couple rough designs to look at proportions and how the corrugation form functions.


paper proportion studies

helped me figure out how big each piece needs to be, relative to the others


3D printed scale mockups

helped me figure out the corrugation forms and how they interacted.


Final products

the receiver, mixer and the bluetooth speaker.

create your own set up, for your space.

for djing, compact set-up or even easy listening

Final form + Function

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form meant for modularity

the corrugation creates a feel that makes the audio pieces seem strong, yet modular in their function.

the audio pieces talk through these key features: the audio MIDI cord and through wireless connection.


audio pieces charge and power each other through inductive charging

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CMF choices

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CMF choices

the color and materials limit distraction and provide functional input while showing off the beauty in the digital machine.

User interactions

analog interactions for a more connected feeling with your digital audio equipment.

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